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Entradas sobre traduccion. Weblogs de traduccion. Monday Afternoons (Lunes por la tarde) (Video, Letra, Traduccion, Descarga)...
Entradas sobre traducción. Weblogs de traducción. Monday Afternoons (Lunes por la tarde) (Video, Letra, Traduccion, Descarga)...
[02:04] Co starring my boy Bart of Just Kidding Films: my STYLE channel my VLOG channel my channel for new music co starring my boy Bart of Just Kidding Films: co-written by Phil Haney Edited by Tim Davis · 24.08.2010 21:31
[07:45] Rand Paul for senate? Are you kidding me? That liberal RINO racist atheist Kool Klucks Clan Marxist creationist anarchist makes me sick to my scrotum! I would rather smash my face with a brick until I die instead of listen to one more racist word out · 01.09.2010 11:45