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Y si cuando lo veía sentía que algo adentro le explotaba ¡Por Dios qué ganas de hablarle! Y cuando el le habló ella le respondió con una indiferencia tajante; a un Hola, ¿c...
[15:00] This is a timelapse movie - shot from 2009 to now. Its one year is squeezed to this 15 minutes! A new tower building is now growing up to spring 2011. It's name is Tokyo Sky Tree(R) and it will open on spring 2012. You can see its growing and intere · 05.08.2010 14:23
[00:05] Optical flash on Jupiter captured at 18h22m12s (+/- 1 minute) on August 20 (UT). The video was taken by an amateur astronomer, Mr. Masayuki Tachikawa in Kumamoto city, using a Philips Toucam Pro2 attached to the telescope, Takahashi TAO-150 f1100mm · 23.08.2010 00:44