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Infections during pregnancy

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"The Pregnancy Pact" es una película para televisión de 2010 dirigida por Rosemary Rodríguez y protagonizada por Thora Birch, Madisen Beaty, y Camryn Manheim. La película está basada en el circo mediático de 2007 de los medios de comunicación que roderon a los adolescentes de Gloucester, Massachusetts, quienes supuestamente habían hecho un pacto de embarazo.
La película comienza con Sidney Bloom....
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Infections during pregnancy

Born HIV Free: Inside - Don't Let AIDS Destroy Their Future

[01:23] Risk of infection with HIV is a real threat to babies carried during pregnancy by mothers living with the virus. But with the right treatment, no child needs to be born HIV-positive. · 01.09.2010 16:00

Infections during pregnancy

Watch 16 and Pregnant Season 2 E 19 {4/5} full

[10:27] MTV's 16 and Pregnant is an hour-long series focusing on the controversial subject of teen pregnancy. Each episode will follow a 3-6 month period in the life of a teenager as she navigates the bumpy terrain of adolescence, growing pains, rebellion, · 18.12.2010 11:45