Entradas sobre School. Todo el mundo sabe que los medios importantes tienen preparadas las necrológicas tiempo antes de que los famosos fallezcan. Así deberíamos hacer pa...
[05:59] I wanted to create a super natural fresh look for school. I know some of you may think it's too boring, but most girls I know prefer to wear minimal makeup. Especially to school. Plus, this look is more for Middle School girls/ Freshmen Highschooler · 18.08.2010 19:46
[01:37] We interviewed Andrea (Ke$ha) to see what she was like in high school. Wanna see what the rest of us were like? Click on the links at the end of the video! MORE BARELY: TShirts! Get the songs on iTunes! Subscribe! Facebook! Follow us on Twitter Lea · 08.10.2010 23:58