Your smile, keeps me on the ground ♥♥. Blog de therockprincess.
Entradas publicadas sobre 0. Información sobre 0. Your smile, keeps me on the ground ♥♥. Blog de therockprincess.
Entradas publicadas sobre 1. Información sobre 1. Your smile, keeps me on the ground ♥♥. Blog de therockprincess.
[12:25] Keith Olbermann Special Comment: There Is No 'Ground Zero Mosque' - 08/16/10 · 17.08.2010 04:08
[04:58] A man walks through the crowd at the Ground Zero protest and is mistaken as a Muslim. The crowd turns on him and confronts him. The man in the blue hard hat calls him a coward and tries to fight him. The tall man who I think was one of the organizers · 22.08.2010 22:44