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Hdnet concerts

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Wikipedia: Warm Up Concerts
"Warm Up Concerts" fue una gira por europa de la cantante Tarja Turunen, que se inició el 25 de noviembre de 2007 en Berlín, Alemania. El tour se realizó con motivo de presentarse en shows a la espera del lanzamiento de su primer disco, My Winter Storm.
- - Sitio web oficial [http: //www. tarjaturunen....
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Tag: concerts - cultura y ocio

Entradas publicadas sobre concerts. Información sobre concerts. cultura y ocio. Blog de albertvila.


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Concerts gener del 2009 - El món del piano

10/01/2009Concert d'alumnes de cambra d'Adolf Pla.Suite op. 6, Merry March, per dos pianos de Dmitri ShostakovichIntèrprets: Ivan Oechsle, Ivan Fernandez.15/01/2009Concert de piano (ESMUC).Tres prelud...

ivanopiano.fullblog.com.ar/post/concierts-gener-del-2009-841 ...
Hdnet concerts

15. Dragon Attack (Queen-Live In Tokyo: 2/16/1981)

[04:45] You people loving these Japan concerts? If you are, GREAT! If not, fucking go home!!! Anyway...onto business! This gig is probably my favorite out of the whole Japan 1981 "box set" (as my friend calls it). The quality is excellent, and this · 21.09.2010 21:05

Hdnet concerts

Todays Art Festival 2010 - Rat n Frikk Interview

[00:57] TodaysArt 2010 explores the core concepts of the festival and its possibilities in new ways as it takes over The Hague's city centre for its sixth edition. The weekend of September 24 and 25 features two days and nights of concerts, performances, clu · 25.09.2010 21:25