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Harnessing your staff's informal networks

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Wikipedia: J.C.Staff
, es un estudio japonés de animación fundado en enero de 1986. Su primer trabajo fue la OVA de tres episodios "Sengoku Kidan Ytden", en 1987. Desde entonces, el estudio ha producido varios animes famosos como "Utena", "Excel Saga", "Slayers", "Orphen", "Honey and Clover", "Alien Nine", "Azumanga Daioh" junto con sus ultimas mas famosas series "Toradora"....
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Dedicado al staff Fs

Dedicado al staff Fs. Blog de Fscomputers Aca se entretiene la monada.


Informal, entradas de informal - FULLBlog

Entradas sobre informal. Weblogs de informal. Vendo negocio de venta de Indumentaria femenina...


Secretaria Virtual Networks

Secretaria Virtual Networks. Blog de oficinavirtual.

Harnessing your staff's informal networks

Air New Zealand - Crazy About Rugby - Safety Video

[03:41] We jammed a plane full of rugby fans, some crazy Air New Zealand staff and asked some of our All Black friends to lend a hand. After two long days shooting, here's what we came up with. Created for our Domestic 737 service. · 17.08.2010 00:07

Harnessing your staff's informal networks

Mary Byrne's X Factor Audition (Full Version) - itv.com/xfactor

[07:01] The X Factor 2010: 50-year-old supermarket worker Mary always sings at the tills - to the point that the staff keep telling her to shut up! Here for a chance to live her dream and change her life forever - has Mary got what the judges are looking for · 28.08.2010 21:32