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Grenada lyrics

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Wikipedia: Hail Grenada
"Hail Grenada" es el himno nacional de Granada desde su independencia en 1974. La letra es de Irva Merle Baptiste y la música de Louis Arnold Masanto.
Hail! Grenada, land of ours,
We pledge ourselves to thee,
Heads, hearts and hands in unity
To reach our destiny.
Ever conscious of God,
Being proud of our heritage,
May we with faith and courage
Aspire, build, advance
As one people, one family.
God bless our nation.
¡Saludos! Granada, tierra nuestra,
nos comprometemos contigo....
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Tag: lyrics - N@t & @l3x W0lff

Entradas publicadas sobre lyrics. Información sobre lyrics. N@t & @l3x W0lff. 3l m@5 ch¡d0 8l0g d3 N@t y @l3x W0lff!!!!!!!!!!!.


Tag: lyrics - Musica Mp3 Gratis

Entradas publicadas sobre lyrics. Información sobre lyrics. Musica Mp3 Gratis. Blog de geobloog.

Grenada lyrics

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Grenada lyrics

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[09:45] Lil Wayne Right Above It Feat Drake Lyrics Eminem Ft Rihanna Love The Way You Lie Music Video Official Kanye West Power Beyonce Jay Z I'm Ready For You Drake On My Way Drake I'm Ready For You Live Lady Gaga Telephone Michael Jackson On My Way Over R · 19.08.2010 01:33