Entradas sobre Gprs. El primer iPhone que lanzó Apple tuvo una vida bastante fugaz, y en parte fue por el defecto de no ser compatible con la red móvil 3G. Usando simpl...
[01:28] Download file here: hey friends.. here i have bring you a solution for the ..ppp link.. problem regarding connection to modem when we try to connect mobile to laptop or computer to access internet via GPRS.. and so now don't be panic..just go the wa · 21.06.2011 12:45
[01:28] If you want to download this file here's link: or in mirror In file you will find step by step instrucion how to use the hack. Don't forget to comment subscribe & rate my video ! I'm creating hacks for many years, now feel free to try it. You can · 20.07.2011 09:00