Hola, me llamo Robinson Bravo, tengo 18 años.
Entradas sobre Bravo. Las mañanas de los días de partido, César limpiaba los cristales de su tienda de deportes como ritual para espantar los nervios, danza de la lluvia...
[05:59] I wanted to create a super natural fresh look for school. I know some of you may think it's too boring, but most girls I know prefer to wear minimal makeup. Especially to school. Plus, this look is more for Middle School girls/ Freshmen Highschooler · 18.08.2010 19:46
[03:20] BONUS QUESTION, BIEBER VAGINA: SMOOSH GUYZ FACEBOOOK: Charlie tells you how to get girls, explains how he can post videos without a finger, and tells his favorite color. WITH GUEST STAR JUSTIN BIEBER! some tags to ignore: Ask Charlie the drunk pig c · 18.08.2010 23:56