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Generally recognized as safe

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Wikipedia: Password Safe
"Password Safe" es un programa de código abierto para el almacenamiento de contraseñas en el sistema operativo Windows de forma segura, ya que utiliza un cifrado AES a 256 bits.
Los datos pueden ser organizados por categorías, ordenados y registrados. Para entrar se necesita una sola "Contraseña Maestra".
El programa fue iniciado por Bruce Schneier y ahora está desarrollado por un grupo de voluntarios en sourceforge....
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Phone Safe 1.0.1 - Jairo Ortega Moviles - FULLBlog

Programa antivirus para sistemas operativos Symbian.DESCARGAR...

Generally recognized as safe

KeepAmericaSafe.com: WE REMEMBER

[02:06] The board members of Keep America Safe, Liz Cheney, Bill Kristol and Debra Burlingame announce the release of "We Remember," an ad featuring first responders and family members of the victims of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 who are speaki · 18.08.2010 20:21

Generally recognized as safe

I Didn't Know I Was 16 and Pregnant, with Liam Sullivan and LisaNova

[03:16] Liam Sullivan gets the surprise of his life. With LisaNova as Dr. Lovanisa and Zach Cumer as Redondo. Electric Spoofaloo's take on the MTV series "16 & Pregnant." Nothing in pop culture is safe from Electric Spoofaloo! Find us on Face · 19.08.2010 00:07