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PROFESORADO DE QI-GONG. Blog de escueladeqigong.
Entradas publicadas sobre gong. Información sobre gong. El autor RUBEN PINEDA, es terapeuta de la salud, diplomado en MEDICINA TRADICIONAL CHINA Y ACUPUNTURA, ha investigado en diversas areas de las terapia. Sitio de Ruben Pineda Aguilar. Una vision ...
[01:20] For more news and videos visit * Follow us on Twitter * Add us on Facebook * We told you earlier this week that the South Korean government is planning to deport a Chinese refugee who applied for asylum. He practices Falun Gong--a spiritual pra · 15.09.2011 22:35
[01:32] Only some of Gene3's external Qi Gong iron power meditation are shown here along with some clips of kicks on the Mountains with supernatural vortices · 07.06.2011 08:55