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Expréssion régulière

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Wikipedia: Expression Web
"Microsoft Expression Web" con nombre código "Quartz" es un editor HTML desarrollado por Microsoft como una aplicación para sitios web, considerada una versión superior de FrontPage 2003 por su semejanza en aspectos a este último. Utiliza el mecanismo WYSIWYG (Lo que ve es lo que obtiene) para modificar páginas Web.
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Not a cloud in the sky, might not be a suitable expression for this weekend - Infoxford 2008

Weather W h a t   a b out   L a s t   w e e k ?          During this week, weather has shown many changes, going from ra...

infoxford2008.fullblog.com.ar/post/not-a-cloud-in-the-sky-mi ...
Expréssion régulière

Arrest Our Leaders, Gentlemen

[03:31] This is a mock rendition of the traditional Christmas carol, God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. The music is traditional. Lyrics are by Jentri Anders. It is an expression of generalized frustration at many or most of our leaders, some past, some present, · 02.12.2010 23:25

Expréssion régulière


[00:14] I was singing the chinese song "j±55". And then I took a look at Kenneth and realized that he was videoing me. Thus, my shocked expression. · 08.12.2010 15:05