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Wikipedia: Essex
"Essex" es un condado situado al este de Londres, forma parte de la región oriental de Inglaterra. Limita con el Gran Londres y con Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire y Suffolk. Su frontera con Kent es el río Támesis.
La capital el condado es la ciudad de Chelmsford y el punto más elevado se sitúa cerca de Langley, en "Chrishall Common", con una altura de 147 metros sobre el nivel el mar....
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MK Lions New Arena Timelapse

[01:39] In November 2010 Milton Keynes Professional Basketball Team, MK Lions moved to a new arena. This is a time lapse video of the making ready of the arena building. They had less than a week to prepare the new venue for their first game against Essex Pi · 10.01.2011 15:05


Clayton Gallery & Outlaw Art Open Part One

[05:39] Clayton Gallery and Outlaw Art Museum, 161 Essex Street (Off East Houston Street), NYC, had an opening. If your in the Lower East Side stop by & see some remarkable and relevant Art. Over the decades Clayton Patterson has collected and collaborat · 09.05.2011 11:10