In the Cosmos, there are infinite forms of life which are governed by the absolute realities of the Universe.Nevertheless, within these absolute realities there are temporal or relative truths, which ...
I, ISIS, mistress of the mysteries of Nature, speak to you.You, novice who seeks to go through the gates of initiation, and you, layman who will read with idle curiosity, calm your spirit, clea...
El juego estelar del Barça hizo pasar desapercibido al nuevo Rey Midas C.Ronaldo Publicado por Alfonso Valencia12 Junio, 2009Sin Comentarios El precio pagado p...
[00:33] Gran derrape de Jorge Martinez en el Hole Shot durante la presentación estelar del Rally Mobil en Rancagua 2011. Hace un doble giro impresionante en su Mitsubishi Evo X!!! · 28.08.2011 00:55