Hola, me llamo Sergio Miller, tengo 52 años y busco diversión.
EMOTIONAL DISCOVERY es un completo programa para el desarrollo personal a partir de la Gestión del Estrés cotidiano y el adecuado Manejo Emocional. Entrénate para expandir los límites que impiden tu desarrollo personal y que tú te transformes en quie ...
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[03:54] Thanks to Emotional Freedom Technique, you can easily and quickly resolve all your limiting believes in order to live the life of your dreams · 21.04.2011 01:30
[04:08] 2 young students brutally killed by a mob in Sialkot. The incident happened with police and many people watching everything. No one had the courage to stop the killers who were beating the two young men barbarically. DCO Sialkot describing the truth · 21.08.2010 03:57