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Effectiveness of condoms

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El PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) es una variable definida por The Green Grid como instrumento para medir la eficiencia de los centros de datos. En ella se compara el total de energía consumida por un centro de datos con la cantidad de energía que realmente llega al equipamiento de TI, lo que permite conocer la cantidad perdida en otros equipos, como los sistemas de refrigeración....
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Effectiveness of condoms

Dating: It's Complicated - The Great Condom Hunt

[02:01] Never forget the ABC's. Always Bring Condoms. See our videos a month earlier at and follow us on · 17.08.2010 22:21

Effectiveness of condoms

Norcal Tea Party Patroit 9-12-10 ~ Part 10

[07:23] The NorCal Tea Party Patriots began as a local group in Colfax, California. When growth and interest exceeded all expectations, a coordinated effort was launched to unite other TPP groups and work together to increase effectiveness and have their vo · 16.09.2010 09:45