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Entradas sobre Games. Hoy la cosa va de ediciones de coleccionista y si esta mañana os hablábamos de la de 'Darksiders: Warmastered Edition', ahora Capcom ha anunciado l...
[03:09] "go to: and see HOW YOU can Be Game Tester, How Much Do Game Testers Make? Many young gamers dream of making the big bucks testing new video games. One important myth that is circulating is that testers make $200 and hour with no education. This · 13.11.2010 19:25
[05:04] Relive the highlights of the men's basketball preliminaries at the 2010 YOG: ARG Vs PAN, PHI Vs ISV, PUR Vs GRE, LTU Vs IRI, TUR Vs SIN · 15.08.2010 19:13