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Dumping syndrome

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Wikipedia: Dumping
En economía, el "dumping" puede referirse a cualquier tipo de fijación de precios predatorios. Sin embargo, la palabra generalmente se utiliza sólo en el contexto de las leyes del comercio internacional en donde el dumping se define como la práctica en donde una empresa establece un precio inferior para los bienes exportados que para los mismos bienes vendidos en el país. El término tiene una connotación negativa....
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Syndrome - Chocolat

Syndrome - Chocolat. ...


Prenatal Test Puts Down Syndrome in Hard Focus - Scarampi

Prenatal Test Puts Down Syndrome in Hard Focus. Amy Harmon. May 9, 2007. ©The New York Times.     Detroit, USA. — Sarah Itoh, a self-described “almost-eleven-and-a-half,” betrayed no tra...

scarampi.fullblog.com.ar/post/prenatal_test_puts_down_syndro ...
Dumping syndrome

Rewriting Memory to Erase Fear

[03:44] NYU Psychology Professor Elizabeth Phelps and her colleagues have developed a technique to block the return of fear memories in humans. Their research may have implications for addressing post-traumatic stress syndrome, fear of crowds, and other anxi · 06.12.2010 21:45

Dumping syndrome

How to avoid carpal tunnel pregnancy symptoms

[02:31] During pregnancy a woman can develop carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms due to fluid retention, there are simple ways to treat these symptoms and make sure you have a pain free pragnency and avoid any last effects. · 16.01.2011 21:45