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Danzantes de tijeras

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Wikipedia: Tijeras
Una "tijera", denominada frecuentemente en su plural "tijeras", es una herramienta manual que sirve para cortar. Está formada por dos cuchillas de acero que giran sobre un eje común respecto al cual se sitúan los filos de corte a un lado y el mango en el lado opuesto. El mango suele tener agujeros para introducir los dedos o un muelle para facilitar la apertura....
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Danzantes de tijeras

Rancho Santa Margarita Home for Sale

[00:41] For more information about this property, click here S630709 Beautiful single level detached home in a great neighborhood that lies between Tijeras Golf Course and hiking and biking trails of O neil Regional Park. 3 bedrooms and a loft. Granite in k · 04.10.2010 11:45

Danzantes de tijeras

3 Via Floria, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

[00:53] For more information about this property, please contact First Team Real Estate at 866-938-5812. View all our videos at Company website MLS ID: S630709 Beautiful single level detached home in a great neighborhood that lies between Tijeras Golf Cour · 04.10.2010 11:45