Entradas sobre wall. Weblogs de wall. Análisis de la crisis financiera...
Entradas publicadas sobre wall. Información sobre wall. Pasiones. Blog de pitonarlona.
Entradas publicadas sobre wall. Información sobre wall. El 12 de junio de 1932 un grupo de jóvenes del barrio posadeño de Villa Sarita, tras la desaparición del club Sportivo Colombo, sugerencia de Antonio. PASION Y SENTIMIENTO.
[02:11] "How Wall Street Made The Crisis Worse" by NPR's Planet Money in collaboration with ProPublica: This song, fondly entitled "We Didn't See It Comin", by The Gregory Brothers with some help from various titans of finance, not to me · 27.08.2010 12:12
[02:28] Luke has an idea for the next B&B video... Special thanks: Aaron Massey: Andy Mogren: and Brittany Cope Artwork on computer and wall courtesy of Tyler Jacobson: Follow us on Twitter! Subscribe to us on Facebook and Like the heck out of us: · 27.08.2010 17:04