[14:54] ESMD 2010 @O<0O B@0=A;OF8O: -@ /= 5@8=3 (5@<0=8O) «0:@KB85 @5F5A88 A ?><>ILN MucoGraft® (C:>@0DB0) ?>4 :>=B@>;5< 45=B0;L=>3> <8:@>A:>?0» @O<0O B@0=A;OF8O: -@ %>@AB 5@8=3 (5@<0=8O) «-=4>4>=B8G5A:>5 ;5G5=85 A 8A?>;L7>20 · 24.09.2010 23:05
[02:19] Oslo Bomb explosion July 22 2011 Bomb attack Oslo Norway 22-07-2011 BBC report. At least 7 people died and 20 bad injured. Anders Behring Breivik update: The shooter is Anders Behring Breivik and 92 people died so far and many more injured. In Utoy · 22.07.2011 18:22