Entradas publicadas sobre creedence. Información sobre creedence. Pasiones. Blog de pitonarlona.
Rock del bueno ( al menos para mi). Creedence Clearwater Revival, Proud Mary (Orgullosa Mary). Subtítulos en español gracias a los buenos de You Tube....
[06:49] Just a selection of bits thrown together from the second audition with John the drummer. The more I hear him the more I respect his masteful ability on the drums. Enjoy! · 12.03.2011 14:35
[05:56] A medley of videos & music in the life of Justin Power. (2010). Songs: Carolina in my Mind - James Taylor Beats to the Rhyme - Run - DMC Lookin' Out My Back Door - Creedence Clearwater Revival Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) - Edison Lighthou · 17.04.2011 19:15