Hola, me llamo Anibal Garcia, tengo 35 años.
Algo tan simple pero tan claro son los siguientes impresos realizados por la agencia Grey de Hong Kong para las papas Pringles.Un queso crujiente p...
Hola, me llamo Anibal Garcia, tengo 35 años.
[00:31] Video # 863: A television advertisement for Pringles aired in the US during 1995. NOTE TO COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: If you want this video removed, please send me a personal message. I will take full responsibility in posting this. · 13.02.2011 11:05
[01:04] The difference is quite noticeable with the portholes cut out. Have fun and get creative. Don't cut the hole to big. Or make to many ports. · 20.06.2011 02:50