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Clandestine cycles

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Wikipedia: Cervélo Cycles
"Cervélo Cycles", o "Cervélo", es una empresa canadiense fabricante de bicicletas de carretera, fundada en el año 1995. Sus fundadores, Phil White y Gérard Vroomen son los co-presidentes de la empresa y todavía continúan dirigiendo la empresa.
Desde 2009, es el patrocinador principal del equipo ciclista profesional Cervélo Test Team.
Originalmente, Cervélo era una empresa que se dedicaba a desarrollar y fabricar bicicletas de contrarreloj....
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Clandestine cycles

Vernon CT Model 7 Monthly Test

[03:59] This model 7 sits at station 341 in Vernon CT. sorry about the talking. this siren is from the 1970`s and does 4 cycles of fire call attack mode (longer than normal attack mode) on the first saturday of the month each month along with other 4 sirens · 06.09.2010 23:45

Clandestine cycles

Brandon and Steven wheel around Portland

[03:01] Photos from Portland trip: In April 2010, my friend Brandon and I took our first trip to Portland, Oregon. We rented Dutch bikes from Clever Cycles on Hawthorne (SE side). While biking around town on a Thursday, we encountered a buffered bike lane. · 05.11.2010 11:45