Hemos hablado de Gastón La Gata Fernández, del quinto extranjero que se busca y que nos hace falta, de la nueva playera de tigres, de los medios; ahora nos toca hablar un poco de la Super Liga que h...
Entradas sobre chicago. Weblogs de chicago. NUEVA CHICAGO...
Chicago Es De 1°..Y 1° VOLVERÁ!!!!!!!. Blog de chicagomanda.
[01:30] In honor of the cities return after the Chicago Fire and in appreciation of the fuonding of the Chicago Fire Soccer Club. Section 8 Chicago organizes a tifo display paying homage to these events. Cut off at the top is another banner which reads Octo · 12.10.2010 13:45
[00:42] With the match tied 1-1, David Beckham struck a corner kick toward the near post and the ball went untouched through a crowd and into the net for the game winning goal. The LA Galaxy beat the Chicago Fire 2-1 with Beckham recording a goal and an ass · 10.07.2011 07:35