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El tiempo en Venecia. Mantente actualizado sobre el estado y pronóstico del clima de Venecia, Veneto, Italia. Pronóstico del tiempo extendido para Venecia y alrededores. Infórmate en Clima24.
The Venice film festival opened yesterday with big-budget Italian movie Baaria, a sentimental sweep through 20th-century Sicily taking in Fascism, war, Communism and the mafia.Billed as one of Italy's...
[03:33] Its come to that time where my lease is running out and I can either stay or go. Don't have enough for a down payment on a house out here, so I need to rent for another year. I've enjoyed living in Venice, but I need a house if I ever plan to make · 21.08.2010 21:22
[13:34] Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678 † 1741) Opera Orlando finto Pazzo RV727 Libretto: Grazio Braccioli Italy Teatro San Angelo, Venice November (1714) 15. Recitativo (Origille, Grifone) 16. Aria - Alla rosa rugiadosa (Grifone) 17. Recitativo (Origill · 08.10.2010 23:45