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Cannonball run

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"Julian Edwin Adderley" (n. Tampa, Florida; 15 de septiembre de 1928 - f. Gary; 8 de agosto de 1975), conocido como "Cannonball Adderley", fue un saxofonista estadounidense de jazz, encuadrado estilísticamente en el hard bop y el soul jazz.
Musicalmente, su primer trabajo fue el de director de orquesta juvenil en Florida. Durante un viaje a Nueva York en 1955....
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Cannonball run

Scott May stunt show Human Cannon ball tragedy

[00:41] This is some footage of the Scott May human cannonball show from 2003. The stuntman was fatally injured performing this show on 25 April 2011 at Detling in Kent when the safety net collapsed before he landed. He was treated on site for his injuries b · 25.04.2011 22:03

Cannonball run

Man dies in human cannonball stunt

[01:14] A man has died after a safety net failed during a human cannonball stunt, police have confirmed. Follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter at · 26.04.2011 07:36