Negredo se irá para volverJorge Valdano, ante la más que posible marcha del delantero Lo primero que he pensado al leer la frase de Jorge Valdano (...
Panorama global de los temas que son noticia ahora en los blogs más influyentes de la blogosfera. Infórmate minuto a minuto de los avances en tecnología, los nuevos estrenos de cine, los resultados deportivos de la fecha y lo que sucede en los negoci ...
[01:00] This video was made for the Tetris block drop effect...not to win the game. I purposely dropped the first "L" in the middle to spark controversy and I see it worked. bwahahaha! and it's a cool song too. I admit the edit could have been much · 21.08.2010 06:59
[03:59] WWW.DCSHOES.COM/GYM3 After months of anticipation DC and Ken Block are proud to be officially launching the Gymkhana THREE Part! The newest chapter in this successful franchise of Gymkhana videos is: Ken Block's Gymkhana THREE: Part 1; The Music Vid · 24.08.2010 20:38