Bienvenidos!!! Al Blogs de Lena Olin,actress de Hollywood y de toda Latinoamerica,aca podran encontrar fotos,reportajes,notas,anegdotas y de todo.. Blog de irinaderevko.
Entradas sobre barrymore. Weblogs de barrymore. Un viaje alucinante al fondo de la mente (Altered States - 1980)...
Entradas publicadas sobre tv. Información sobre tv. Bienvenidos!!! Al Blogs de Lena Olin,actress de Hollywood y de toda Latinoamerica,aca podran encontrar fotos,reportajes,notas,anegdotas y de todo.. Blog de irinaderevko.
[04:59] Please rate/comment/rate/subscribe -just to piss Miley off! HA! Comment Question of the Day: What is your favorite Cinderella-type movie ever?! (Girl meets boy, transforms herself, gets boy) Mine is NEVER BEEN KISSED with Drew Barrymore! Loves it! Li · 11.10.2008 00:55
[00:44] This scene's from the first Charlies Angels movie ( 2000 ). The " Angels " headed by Lucy Liu who poses as a " Efficiency Expert " along with Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore ( dressed as men in suits and ties ) visit and infiltrat · 23.10.2010 21:45