Es cierto ! , Barney llego para quedarse en el corazon de todos , se quedo en el corazon de los chicos y tambien en el corazon de los adultos para que lo usemos para todo tipo de chistes que se...
[01:09] Barney Ross leads the "Expendables", a band of highly skilled mercenaries including knife enthusiast Lee Christmas, martial arts expert Yin Yang, heavy weapons specialist Hale Caesar, demolitionist Toll Road and loose-cannon sniper Gunner · 24.09.2010 18:25
[10:21] Cleaning House Summary: When the gang helps Barney's mother move, they learn that she has lied to him about events throughout his life Robin oversells Ted to a blind date. 01,02,03,04,05,06,06x01,06x1,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,16,2009,2010,2030,506,5x · 27.09.2010 01:25