Proyectos, trabajos y ¿porque no? jugando con html , css y otros programas; usabilidad web; web semántica; información, datos, comentarios. Blog de xaver.
[06:00] Creating "hybrid" buttons in your Photoshop to HTML websites - buttons that have real CSS text and a graphical background and graphical hover state - using Photoshop layer groups. Using more than one background graphic for a single button · 24.01.2011 23:25
[06:57] Thanks For *SUBSCRIBING*!!! Check out BONUS VIDs HERE Thanks to: David Choi for making my background music. Check him out HERE ANNOUNCEMENTS: *My shirts are now at HOT TOPIC! yeah! *I have a new channel for random short videos from my iPhone! MY L · 21.08.2010 18:43