Entradas publicadas sobre arterial. Información sobre arterial. Lic. Alejandra Patricia Cork. Radiología - Anatomía - Fisiología -Patología - Libros - Videos de interés - Tutoriales.
Pressure pushing down on me pressing down on you no man ask for. Under pressure that burns a building down splits a family in two puts people on streets.(CHORUS)It's the terror of knowing what this wo...
[Del artículo: Experimental Ventilator-induced Lung Injury Exacerbation by Positive End-Expiratory Pressure. Dr. Jesús Villar. Anesthesiology 2009;110:13417]Previous experimental studies of ventilado...
[01:10] Problem or just normal? Remix4free from performanceprobe.com · 10.09.2010 07:44
[00:40] Awesome street magic · 16.09.2010 21:45