Hola, me llamo Filipe Carvalho, tengo 18 años.
Hola, me llamo Javiera Denisse Moya Guerra, tengo 14 años y busco amistad, amor, felicidad, diversión, cariño.
Hola, me llamo Gabriel Guerra, tengo 16 años.
[00:30] Just happened to start a demo for no reason and these were the first frames of it 3 kills with 4 HP · 10.09.2010 21:45
[00:31] Well, long story short. My friend taped this with his Verizon phone. For some reason, the sound didnt transfer with the video. I was attempting to drive a 10,000lb fork lift over a 3 foot trench with a few sheets of plywood as my makeshift bridge. Ne · 13.09.2010 11:45