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Wikipedia: Planet AIDS
"Planet AIDS" es el proyecto paralelo de Bunkur (Drone/Doom).
Actualmente el grupo está trabajando en su siguiente álbum:
"We are working on a second full lenght album, which will have 2 track, both of around 70 - 80 minutes, so our next album will be a double cd of pure hell. . we will push the bounderies even further. .. it will be 10 times worse than our first album. .. "
- "Apokalyptik AIDS" - 2005
- Metal Storm (7/10)

- [http: //www. members. lycos....
Wikipedia · Más información · Ocultar

Aids, entradas de aids - FULLBlog

Entradas sobre aids. Weblogs de aids. Contagious cancer...


Iklan Layanan Masyarakat FreeHugs.flv

[00:31] ILM Freehugs memberikan informasi singkat bahwa virus HIV/Aids tidak menular melalui cara berpelukan. Iklan ini kerja sama Maju Terus Komunikasi dengan Khalyana Shira Foundation, AusAIDs, UNAID, Australian Goverment, Q-munity · 02.09.2010 05:45


Born HIV Free: Inside - Don't Let AIDS Destroy Their Future

[01:23] Risk of infection with HIV is a real threat to babies carried during pregnancy by mothers living with the virus. But with the right treatment, no child needs to be born HIV-positive. · 01.09.2010 16:00