Entradas sobre Time. Ya expliqué hace cuatro años cómo habían contribuido las redes sociales al primer victoria de Obama, un candidato por el que en un origen no aposta...
OK Party Time. Blog interactivo de OK Institute. Origen de palabras, adivinanzas, historias, competencias y curiosidades del idioma inglés.. OK Institute Blog.
[04:51] I'll upload a cleaner version of this at a more convenient time i.e. Not 11:30pm. I had the volume low and couldn't hear the speakers or amp very well; also, this is recorded with an iPhone, so haters go ahead and hate. · 24.09.2010 07:25
[08:39] 3x endurance kintaro by himself and baraka and motaro. I lost once I edited the shit out because I was pissed off and I was cursing like crazy lol so i went ahead let the time run out on the first round cause its too hard of a match because of baraka · 09.10.2010 07:25