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Adizero feather

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Wikipedia: Feather Linux
"Feather Linux", creado por Robert Sullivan, es una minidistribución de Linux basada en Knoppix que cabe en 128 MB (las versiones antiguas caben en 64 MB). Puede iniciar desde una memoria USB o un CD, dentro de un entorno de escritorio Fluxbox. Tiene un ancho rango de escritorio y software de rescate, también puede cargar totalmente desde la memoria RAM o instalarse en el disco duro. Este software contiene muchas aplicaciones GTK+....
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Adizero feather

Dwight Howard and Slim Chin: Fast Don't Lie Music Video

[02:03] A musical journey into the world of fast, that tugs at the heartstrings while juking you out of your seat. Featuring Slim Chin, Derrick Rose, Dwight Howard, the adiZero™ Rose, the Beast, one cheetah and a solid gold jet ski. · 06.10.2010 17:31

Adizero feather

Alice Beavan: Birds of a Feather

[04:04] For my art course this year I am doing a project entitled 'Love and other such emotions' this peice was done as a responce to an Artist I researched, as a tecneque trial. I like the effect of it and may use sound and video later in my project or as m · 14.10.2010 23:05