La sonda Stardust, en su encuentro con el cometa Wild 2 en 2004, capturó entre muchas partículas, sobre todo minerales, glicina, uno de los aminoác...
Entradas sobre trato. Weblogs de trato. PERLA NEGRA EN FORMOSA...
[01:04] 40 people were injured in northern Spain on Wednesday when a raging bull jumped into the packed grandstands of a bullring and ran amok. The terrifying incident happened in Tafalla, in the northern region of Navarra, and occurred when the animal leapt · 19.08.2010 14:07
[08:10] This is a video basically of me telling you guys how stupid I think these people are who abuse animals and think it's alright. Killing animals isn't right and it needs to stop, I have very strong feelings about this and I think I prove that in this v · 04.09.2010 19:45