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Venomoth smogon

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Venomoth smogon

Seed Generation in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen

[01:09] The audio gets really loud when the game comes in, so keep that in mind if you're trying to hear me talk. By the way, this is NixHex from the Smogon forums. The video explains it pretty well, I hope. Shoutouts to X-Act, Mingot, Arseus, flovv, Zari, m · 27.10.2010 09:25

Venomoth smogon

Pokemon Yellow Vs. Koga

[03:21] His team. Venonat. - Tackle - Toxic - Sleep Powder - Psychic Venonat. - Toxic - Psybeam - Supersonic - Psychic Venonat. - Toxic - Psychic - Sleep Powder - Double-Edge Venomoth. - Toxic - Psychic - Leech Life - Double Team · 05.11.2010 17:45