[10:56] Prayer: Salatul Kusuf (Prayer of Solar Eclipse) Place: Masjid Al-Haram (Makkah, Saudi Arabia) Imam: Sheikh Khalid Al Ghamdi Surah: At-Taubah/At-Tawbah Date: 15th-January-2010 Salat-ul-Kusuf/Kusoof/Khusuf/Qusuf is a two rakaah Sunnah prayer performed · 22.12.2010 17:45
[09:46] DE4'G/) 'D"J'* 'D*'DJ) DG0G 'D#J'* E1*() '0G( %DI 'DE,EH9) AJ 'D1'(7 'D*'DJ for next Ayats from surat Al- Baqarah ih order go to the playlist in the folowing link 'DE5-A 'DE9DE DD4J. #JEF 3HJ/ 'D/E4BJ EF BF') 'B1# Learn Surat An-Nisaa with shaikh · 26.01.2011 23:45