Entradas publicadas sobre graphology. Información sobre graphology. Blog de grafología, destinado a la transmisión e intercambio de notas, pensamientos, opiniones, información general, Roxana Bidoglio Perito Grafóloga.. Hay que volver a uncir los cab ...
[02:26] In this upcoming election, voters have a tendency to vote for a certain candidate based on their looks rather than their policies. Note that through history certain US president profiles are prevalent. Examples include: Benjamin Harrison, George Bush · 30.10.2010 21:45
[04:03] ANNALISEJANE ; see any fakes of me report because im real :) want proof ask!! this is my new youtube for my sitemodeling and videoing . Question of the weeek?: Whos ur favourite sitemodel&Why? This video examples that im new and im just telling y · 11.03.2011 13:10