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“No el que ignore la escritura, sino el que ignore la fotografía será el analfabeto del futuro” Walter Benjamín. - El Perro - FULLBlog

    Imagen de Malibu south (2004), de Florian Maier-Aichen Tal vez esta frase suene un poco extremista. Lo cierto es que ya no podemos negar la presencia de la fotografía como medi...

patote.fullblog.com.ar/post/no-el-que-ignore-la-escritura-si ...
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Bieber Reveals His Secret!

[03:20] BONUS QUESTION, BIEBER VAGINA: SMOOSH GUYZ FACEBOOOK: Charlie tells you how to get girls, explains how he can post videos without a finger, and tells his favorite color. WITH GUEST STAR JUSTIN BIEBER! some tags to ignore: Ask Charlie the drunk pig c · 18.08.2010 23:56

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GREEN SAUCE SUCKS! (Lunchtime w/ Smosh)

[04:35] NEWEST EPISODE: OUR FACEBOOK: - Our new vlog series! Every Thursday you guys are invited to eat lunch with us :) - Follow our Twitter and your question could be in the next Lunchtime w/ Smosh ( and Some tags you can ignore: smosh anthony padilla i · 26.08.2010 23:20