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Bullyson pedigree

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Bullyson pedigree

TP003753884 Pure breed Bull Terrier Pups

[02:41] Pedigree Bull Terriers Puppies 4 sale. Registered breeders with Dogs NSW. We have 3 males/6 females for sale!! puppies will have pedigree papers on main register. New owners may show their dogs or breed there dogs there are no restrictions. Meet pare · 06.09.2010 11:45

Bullyson pedigree

Dinero 1.flv

[01:26] 2007 APHA Black Tobiano Gelding x Chasin The Money x Easy Jet Too out of Rodeo Love Affair x Yetahey. Barrel racers take a look. This guy has all the pedigree to run. Both sire and dam were unraced due to injury but are top producers of foals. Easy J · 01.02.2011 07:45